I've had a hard time getting that to work too, but I just found out that
mplayer can do it when I play a DVD (my DVD drive is connected to CPDIF-in
of SBLive), when I tell it to use alsa9 and AC3. I'm still trying to
figure out what exactly it does, but here's one line of possible interest
from its output:
alsa-init: soundcard set to iec958:AES0=0x2,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2

I have a receiver conneced to SPDIF-out of SBLive (and no analog
connections anywhere, CD analog is not connected, SBLive analog out is not
connected), and the receiver shows on its display that it's receiving
2-channel AC3 (that's what was on DVD, I'll try with a 5.1 DVD next).

So the bottom line is that it can be done, if you know how to configure
ALSA driver, and mplayer does ( I don't, not yet :)

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, andy wrote:

> Hello,
> I have installed alsa 0.9rc3 on my system with a Creative SBLive.  I can
> manage to get either the digital or analogue out working (by specifying
> module params).  I have noticed that the CD internal input does not get
> routed through the digital out.  I have a TV tuner card, and in order to
> hear sound (which is bridged to the internal CD connector), I need to
> ditch and reload the drivers for analogue, as well as running another
> span of RCA's to the stereo to carry the analogue signal.  Is there any
> way to have the CD signal routed through the digital out?
> Any input muchly appreciated,
> Andrew Taylor
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