I have to throw myself on your collective mercy again. I'm really
happy with the improved sound I'm getting under ALSA with the Turtle
Beach Santa Cruz. But lord lord, the ALSA learning curve is a steep
one.  I've spent too much of the last two days trying to do something
that I did routinely with my old rotten card and the OSS drivers.

I'm trying to transfer audio from a cassette tape to the hard disk (so
that I can then burn a CD of the material).

I have the output of the tape-deck patched (directly) to the input
jack of the soundcard. There is only card in the machine (the Turtle
Beach Santa Cruz).

Using alsamixer, I have the Line channel un-muted and the volume set
to about two thirds of maximum. The Line channel is set to record
(CAPTUR L_R); no other channel is.  Line1 is muted.

Sound from the tape plays beautifully to the speakers in this setup
(it fades away as I lower the volume on the Line channel, so that does
seem like the relevant channel to manipulate). But recording to disk
from the tape has failed so far.

I've tried these:

 arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav try.wav 

 arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav -D copy try.wav

 arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav -D default try.wav

 arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav -D hw try.wav

 ecasound -c -b:4096 -r -i:alsa,pcm.copy -o try.wav

 ecasound -c -b:4096 -r -i:alsa,0,1,0 -o try.wav

 ecasound -c -b:4096 -r -i:alsa,default -o try.wav
 ecasound -c -b:4096 -r -i:alsa,hw -o try.wav

 wavrec -S -t 10 -s 44100 try.wav

In every case, what I get is 10 seconds of beautifully recorded
silence.  That is: try.wav is created without error messages but there
is nothing on it/in it. If I look at it in ecawave or snd, it is
completely featureless (a flat line).

In ~/.asoundrc, there is only:

  pcm.copy {
                  type plug
                  slave {
                    pcm hw
                  route_policy copy

What in God's name am I missing? Where is the manual that I can read
about this?

I'd be *really* grateful for any help or advice,


PS The system is Debian testing, but alsa (driver, lib, utils) is
hand-compiled from source (1.0.0rc2). The kernel is 2.4.23-ck1.

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