
in the alsa FAQ from the alsa wiki page [http://alsa.opensrc.org/?FAQ]
there are some open questions. Maybe someone knows the answer for them:

FAQ015?: Midi timing is very unstable. How can i improve that?

FAQ016?: My sound crackles when the system is under load. How can i
improve that?

FAQ017?: My usb-audio device has problems when using sample rates above
22khz. Why's that?

FAQ020?: "aplay -D rear <soundfile>" fails with "Invalid type for PCM
rear definition"

If you know an answer or have at least some hints on where to look for
the answer, please edit the corresponding answer pages [in the FAQ, just
press on the little "?" right next to the FAQ number and it will take
you to a newly created page which you can easily edit and save]



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