On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 21:06, kevin ernste wrote:
> > It seems to me that the Multiface is more extensible than the Delta
> > 1010. And of course it has more ways to connect to other devices. But
> > then it's a lot more expensive ($920 vs. $600).
> I think your instinct is right on.  Do you see yourself wanting to use
> this rig remotely?

Well... it depends. Probably.

> The cardbus adds a huge "extensibility" factor. 


> How about digital I/O?

Most of my stuff is analog at the moment, and it will continue to stay
analog for the predictable future (just a bunch of Alesis gear: QS6.2,
Ion, Microverb4, M1 Active Mk2).

> The 1010 also lacks a headphone out for some
> reason.

Yeah, but i'm planning to buy anyway a cheap phone amp or a control room
matrix - a la Samson C Class Processors.

> The HDSP matrix mixer allows you to route any source signal to any (or
> all) output(s) simultaneously. The linux version of the mixer is nearly
> identical to the MS version (I actually prefer it), so check the RME
> page if you want more details.
> As I said, people who have used it a lot can't live without it.  I'll
> admit it's a liberating way to deal with signal flow.

So probably with the RME the channels are mixed in hardware, while with
the M-Audio in software? (at least with ALSA?)

> Pester away, and be sure to check the archives for other opinions.  I
> have been using both boxes in a studio I teach at for more than a year
> and _still_ have not committed to buying one or the other for my home
> system.  One can certainly waver for too long ;>


Florin Andrei


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