On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, smoothmilk wrote:

> So i've used alsamixer to set the volumes (unmuted a bunch) but when I
> go to use Xmms to play an mp3, as soon as i hit the play button, it
> freezes (and a CNTRL+C from the terminal which i launched it from is
> required to close it). I have the alsa plugin for xmms ready to go, and
> ive messed around with the device it should use to play, from 'default'
> to the CS4236 (which is listed) to /dev/dsp{0-3}. no errors like "Your
> soundcard is not configured properly or you are using the wrong output
> plugin". I've also tried with the OSS output plugin, and it just sits at
> 0:00 (but it doesnt freeze). Very weird. Any idea's?

fuser -v /dev/dsp* /dev/sound/* /dev/snd/*

If this lists any processes, then something has the sound device open
already (esd? arts?); other than that, I can't think of anything which
would cause that.

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