On Sat, 2004-04-10 at 10:12, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Tom Schutter hat gesagt: // Tom Schutter wrote:
> > xmms works with the Output Plugin set to "OSS Driver 1.2.9", but I get
> > no sound if it is set to "ALSA 1.2.9 output plugin".
> This very likely a problem with the XMMS alsa plugin. I'd say: use the
> OSS output until the XMMS folks fix this. 

Ok I guess, but I am not convinced because of the other evidence.

> > aplay works, but only if I use "-Dplug:front", or "-Dplughw".
> > 
> > $ aplay explosion.wav 
> > Playing WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz,
> > Stereo
> >   [NO SOUND]
> ... 
> > Any help would be appreciated!
> Well, where excatly is the problem? aplay gives quite verbose
> messages here, so I guess, it's not a technical problem, but one of
> understanding how ALSA's devices work. Your card hardware seems to not
> be able to play files with 22,050 Hz samplerate. If you use ALSA's
> "hw:0" device, you can only play, what the hardware (=="hw") supports.
> If you want to play something not supported by your hardware, then
> ALSA offers the plug-devices to convert formats. That's why "plug:hw"
> works: Sound goes through the plug layer, then to the hw layer. 
> All is fine, or not? ;)

And from another message from Frank:
> forgot to say: "front", "rear" and so on also are kind of "hw"
> devices, they don't convert formats.

Ok, so I understand why "-Dfront" plays the .wav file too fast and
"-Dplug:front" plays it correctly.

But why does "aplay test.wav" give no sound at all?

I have spent hours trying to get sound to work, using aplay as my test.
No sound no matter what I do.  It was not until I read the FAQ at
http://alsa.opensrc.org/faq/ that I even knew about "-Dfront".  The man
page gave no hint about "-Dfront".  No other page on the net about
setting up ALSA that I read mentions "-Dfront".  With no "-D" option,
aplay does not give quite verbose messages.  In fact the output to the
terminal from "aplay test.wav" and "aplay -Dplug:front test.wav" is

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