Ok, this *is* offtopic, but if any of you have a point of view, or can
point me at a more appropriate list/site/text, that would be much

Firstly a BIG thank you to everyone involved in ALSA. Great software and
very supportive community.


I've recently built myself a music jukebox using digigram vx222v2/Epia
5000/alsa/fedora FC2, storing all my music in flac format. The sound
quality is actually very good. For reference, that's compared to my usual
CD player -- an Arcam FMJ DV-27, fed through a Meridian 518 into a Bryston
5B SST THX amp.

Success with this, giving me something very listenable on the above system
for about £500, has me wondering what other joys some ALSA-based DIY can
bring to my system.

The next thing I'm thinking about is the possibility of building my own
DTS/Dolby box to replace the Yamahe DSP-AX1 that I'm currently using just
as a decoder (since I bought the Bryston as power amp). It feels like a
bit of ALSA cleverness and some pro-audio components like the VX222v2 in
my flac box should be able to construct something very good for
(relatively) little outlay. So I'm wondering is anyone has any ideas? I'm
currently (please correct me if I'm getting this entirely wrong) imagining
one card for S/PDIF in, another card to do DTS/Dolby deconding, then two
or three discrete audio cards (maybe the vx222vs again, maybe something
with more channels/card?) for (analog, preferably balanced)output. I'd
rather avoid 'all-in-one cards' so I can mix and match as and when I want
to experiment/upgrade -- this is as much about learning as it is about
anything else. I'm not fussed much about multiple inputs etc -- its
quality decoding, low latency (has to sync with video output from dvd
remember) and excellent DAC that is top of the list. I'm not fussed about
other DSP/processing: 'striaght' surround is all I care about.

I've no idea if this is a practical thing to try, or whether I'd be better
putting the time into earning the money to buy something off-the-shelf

All tips/help much appreciated

- Darrell


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