> > you're right, i forgot about that.  i'm fairly prehistoric in my
 > > needs:  i'd like to hear my music, in stereo :-), and i'd like
 > > the microphone input to work.  (i'll hopefully be using that to
 > > drive lircd -- not for real audio input -- so mic signal quality
 > > isn't terribly important.)
 > Lircd ?? I don't see the link between mic inputs and infrared...

i wouldn't have either, until i spotted this page:
the trick is that it reads the de-modulated IR signal directly
via the mic-input a/d converter, and post-processes it to derive
the bit-stream values.  the advantages over other sensors are
that a) there's no extra driver needed, and b) it's _very_ cheap. 
:-)  (plus, most PC's have an unused mic input -- i've been using
serial port adapters up to now, but serial ports are getting more
and more scarce.)

 > > given a choice, i'd like something
 > > with two PCM output channels, so they can be independently muted.
 > That may be more difficult to find. Most USB audio boxes don't
 > have a 'mixer' app anyway - you control them by physical switches
 > and knobs.

after visiting the edirol site, i see what you mean.  i guess i
should add "low cost" to my list of criteria.  :-)

if it's not clear by now, i'm not looking for professional or
audiophile quality.  i'm hoping someone will tell me that
something like this turtle beach product works perfectly:


 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (arlington, ma, where it's 28.4 degrees)

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