On Mon, 26 Nov 2007, James Courtier-Dutton wrote:

> Rene Herman wrote:
>> On 25-11-07 04:18, Mark Constable wrote:
>>> There are a few online hearing test sites around, here
>>> is one with 16/44.1 wavs. I can't hear 12kHz-0dB.wav :-(
>>>  http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/music/dB/loudness.html
>> Word of warning -- the outcome here will significantly vary with the used
>> soundcard, headphones and ofcourse _very_ much with how loud you crank up
>> any on- or off-card amplifier.
>> And eat your heart out...
>> That 16 kHz -60dB is just about my threshold with good headphones, good card
>> set to 0 dB and external amplication cranked up. -57 I hear always, at -60
>> it's a little flaky. At those levels, 12-0dB actively hurts...
>> Rene.
> Ears are funny things.
> 16 kHz might be just about your limit, but if you listen to more than
> one tone mixed together you will hear a difference.
> E.g.
> 16 kHz you can hardly hear.
> 8 kHz you can hear, but

In the speakers that could be due to IM distortion. The ears are more
difficult, because the sensors for 8 and 16KHz are at different places, so
that the non-linear mixing is not as important. However 16K and 17K
together will produce a 1K sound in your ears at appreciable levels.

> 8 kHz mixed with 16 kHz will sound different from 8 kHz alone.
> The real quality of a sound card and speakers comes with how it handles
> more than one tone at the same time so that those mixed tones sound right.
> James
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