On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Enrico Marocco wrote:

Salman Abdul Baset wrote:
Nodes (clients) can use the spare capacity (provisioned - current load) of
relay candidates as a metric to guide their search of relays. I think
such a usage is peer selection optimization. What do you think?
Ok, I'm totally lost now. I thought your initial question was about a
mechanism any node can use to query its own provisioned bandwidth
(wasn't this what you asked in the first place?).

I have not changed my question :) The description was an example of how
nodes will make use of provisioned link capacity.

No, the description was an example of how a node will make use of other
nodes' link capacity; it does not justify the need for a mechanism a
node can use to discover its own provisioned bandwidth.

You are probably thinking a centralized ALTO server. There is no reason why peers cannot act as ALTO servers which inturn obtain their link capacity information from ISP managed ALTO servers.

Each peer as an ALTO server can obtain its provisioned link capacity from ISP and may distribute this information to other peers on request in a privacy preserving way. Spare capacity is one way to distribute this information.

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