My original question(s) still stands.  I just had another flight today and 
there is NOT a new file to download.  This has nothing to do with finding a 
chunk of data for this specific flight - it has to do with nothing being there. 
 I did a ground test last weekend outside my house and was able to download 
(and I though erase) the “flight”.  Maybe I didn’t erase again after the test 
and that is the problem?  (I sure don’t remember any other TeleGPS behaving 
like this.)

Second question about “GPS lost”  Why does it not know it is the same flight?  
The flight appears to start all over again and has the apogee ~150m and then 
negative altitudes.  Neither of these behaviors are like what I remember.  
There is no way to get the height and the directions from the stuff showing up 
on the screen.  (But as I said previously, the map function works.)


> On May 7, 2021, at 12:34 PM, Bdale Garbee <> wrote:
> chuck fauser <> writes:
>> My understanding is that the TeleGPS is not designed to be a flight
>> tracker, but rather a rocket locator. It does not have the flight
>> tracking capabilities that the TeleMetrum/Mega have.
> Let's be careful about terminology here.
> TeleGPS is a tracker.  It reports its present location once a second,
> and when in motion, logs that location data to flash.  It does not try
> to run a flight state machine the way our flight computers do, so it
> doesn't really know anything about rocket flights.  It just knows where
> it is, and where it has been.
> So, when you download recorded data, you may need to play with pan and
> zoom on the graph to find the chunk of time relating to the last
> flight.  Keith has talked about adding code someday to make it easier to
> cut individual flights out of the recorded position data, but I don't
> know if or when that might get to the top of the to-do list.  In the
> meantime, if you want each download to represent "a flight", then you
> need to download and erase flash after each flight.  Otherwise, you'll
> end up with one log that has position data for everything TeleGPS has
> done since your last download/erase.
> With respect to losing GPS lock during boost, that's pretty normal.  Any
> time you're accelerating faster than about 4 g, the GPS tracking
> algorithm has trouble maintaining lock.  So what usually happens is you
> have a solid launch rail fix, then you lose lock during boost, then
> typically long before apogee the receiver has re-acquired lock and
> provides clean data through recovery. 
> I hope that helps!  TeleGPS is really awesome at doing what it does, and
> we have many really happy TeleGPS customers .. but it is *not* a flight
> computer and therefore just doesn't provide the same experience you may
> be accustomed to with our flight computer products.
> And yes, final production test on many of our products including TeleGPS
> happens on my bench in Black Forest, CO, just a bit NE of Colorado Springs.
> Bdale
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