__Yes__ consolidation would be greatly appreciated, IMHO, based on the 
contributions to this list!

Tony Traylor, SysAdmin.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 10/26/00, 6:58:58 AM, Paolo Supino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding 
user manual:

> Hi

>   I've been playing with amanda for a week, and hopefully I will move
> it into production after I'm done with my tests. I've read all the
> documentation available (FAQ, text files, example files, "Using
> Amanda" from the book "Unix Backup and Recovery") but I didn't find
> any documentation which details Amanda's structure, information flow
> and parts (something like a detailed top down view, or a good user
> manual). Is there such documentation? If there is, where can I find
> it? If not is anyone working on anything similar? If not anyone thinks
> he will benefit if such documentation existed? If the answer for only
> the last question is yes, I will try and write one myself.

>         Paolo

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