here's my stats from last night full run:

                         Total       Full      Daily
                        --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:04
Run Time (hrs:min)        14:27
Dump Time (hrs:min)       72:11      72:11       0:00
Output Size (meg)       50257.9    50257.9        0.0
Original Size (meg)     50257.9    50257.9        0.0
Avg Compressed Size (%)     --         --         --
Filesystems Dumped           69         69          0
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)       198.0      198.0        --

Tape Time (hrs:min)        4:51       4:51       0:00
Tape Size (meg)         50260.1    50260.1        0.0
Tape Used (%)              64.3       64.3        0.0
Filesystems Taped            69         69          0
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  2948.1     2948.1        --

kinda says almost 3MByte/sec doesn't it?

Tim Janes wrote:

> Hi,
> Here is my understanding of the compatibility issues.
> With the Quantum range of DLT's (2000, 2000XT, 4000, 7000 & 8000) there is
> complete read & write backward compatibility.
> Any drive will read its native capacity and any lower capacity without
> problem.
> On write if you are appending to a tape with existing data on it
> the drive will write at the density already on the tape.
> If you are writing at BOM (irrespective of any pre-existing data on the
> tape) the default is the native density of the tape but this can be
> changed to be any lower density by a command from the host, or using the
> front panel controls of the drive after loading the tape.
> On Tru64 there is a mapping (defined in ddr.dbase??) between the
> write density and the device name. ie /dev/ntape/tape0 will be the
> default density of your drive but /dev/ntape/tape0l could be fixed at
> DLT4000 density.
> There is a new breed of lower cost DLT drives recently introduced that
> have 40/80Gbyte capacity on type IV tapes (I think that they are called
> Benchmark DLT1) that have limited backward capacity. They can read DLT4000
> tapes but have no write compatibility and tapes previously written to in a
> DLT4000 need bulk erasing before they be used for write in a DLT1. They
> also only have a 1.5Mbyte/sec transfer rate compared with 6Mbytes/sec of a
> Quantum DLT8000.
> I think that David McCall must have one of these drives.
> I have seen a pointer to a company offering a bulk erase service. I can
> probably find it again if anyone needs it.
> Cheers
> Tim Janes.
org:Sonoma State University;Information Technology/Computer Operations
adr:;;1801 E. Cotati Avenue;Rohnert Park;California;94928-3609;California
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Operating Systems Analyst
fn:David McCall

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