Gregory Propf wrote:
> I have an old Travan floppy tape (400mb uncompressed).  

Welcome to the club of AMANDA floppy tape users! It's refreshing to know
I am not the only member :-)

> Am I right that
> Amanda cannot use multiple tapes?  This sounds like a pretty severe
> limitation for me with such a small tape.  

Well, it depends on the size of your largest disklist entry: if this
fits on one tape, then the limitation is not so severe.

AMANDA will not backup _everything_ on one day on one tape. She will
spread the load among the tapes for the dumpcycle period. So, typically,
on one day you will have a few (probably large) full backups and more
(probably small) incrementals. The question for you is, whether they
will typically fit on one tape so that you will not have to use the
"manual changer" script. Using "best" software compression you will
probably get ~700-800 MB out of your 400 MB tape, depending on your data
(I often get 1,1GB for my 650MB floppy tape). You will have to use GNU
tar, define directories (instead of mount points) in the disklist and
try to define them so that their image will fit on the tape, leaving
enough room for the incrementals. For this to work reasonably, you will
have to have enough tapes and define a reasonable dumpcycle, of course.

There are some other stones on the way to using ftape with AMANDA -
search the list for an older detailed posting of mine on this topic. If
you still have problems, don't hesitate to ask me, I'll be glad to help.
AMANDA works fine with ftape!


Chris Karakas
Don´t waste your cpu time - crack rc5:

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