Hi fellow Amanda users!

We use Amanda for networked backup. Currently we rely on
Tandberg SLR tape drives exclusively. These drives
are available at a maximum capacity of 50 GB w/o compression.
And they're robust, reliable and _reasonably_ fast and cheap.
DLT drives max out at 40 GB w/o compression.

What options do I have for higher capacity drives?
Amanda still requires the largest dump to fit on a single tape.
With filesystems routinely approaching a couple of hundreds of gigs
these days there seems to be a huge gap ...

I found IBM Ultrium technology. Has someone used these successfully?
OTOH they are 100 GB uncompressed - not a _real_ order of magnitude.

What _do_ multi-terabyte datacenters use for backup, anyway?

I know, if I find something to backup 200 or 300 GB on a single tape,
that I will face another limit - the speed of my 100 MBit/s
Ethernet network. We already have a separate VLAN for backup only.
A rough calculation shows a _theoretical_ bandwidth of ~47 GB per hour
without counting packet overhead. And if I fix that by going to
Gigabit Ethernet for the biggest servers, I'll hit the SCSI-bus and
tape bandwidth barrier ... ;-)

Operating systems we use are FreeBSD and Solaris, so we are familiar
with i386 and Sparc architecture and technology.

Thanks in advance for any comments/hints,
--- WEB ISS GmbH - Scheffelstr. 17a - 76135 Karlsruhe - 0721/9109-0 ---
------ Patrick M. Hausen - Technical Director - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------
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 technology.  Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."

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