On Tue, 06 Mar 2001 16:18:02 -0500 "John R. Jackson" 

> >so I moved tape1_131 to the bottom, expecting amanda to look for 
> >tape1_131. It wasn't a big deal but when I ran amflush(the previous 
> >night's had failed) the message was that it expected tape1_132, but it 
> >still ran. So how did it know to expect tape1_132?
> The primary key is the date string, not the VSN.  Amanda doesn't care if
> you label your tapes "larry", "moe" and "curly", so VSN is not a valid
> sort criteria.
> The secondary sort key is the position within the file.  So to "move"
> a tape back into what a human wants for order, you need to send it to
> the bottom and change the datestring to match the previous line.
> You can test this with "amadmin <config> tape" which will show you the
> next tape(s) expected.

thanks for this information - this is very helpful

> >The other question I have is this:
> >all the lines in the file tapelist say 'reuse'. So how are we expected 
> >to know which tapes to keep?
> What do you mean by "which tapes to keep"?

In other backup systems I've used, I have always kept certain level 0's 
out of the rotation so's that I could alway go back quite a bit if 

> The "reuse" flag tells Amanda it may use this tape again when it is
> the next one in the list.  You can tell Amanda to not reuse a tape with
> "amadmin <config> no-reuse <VSN> ...".  When Amanda looks at that tape
> it will skip over it.
> Note that if you mark some tapes as "no-reuse", Amanda will ask for "new"
> tapes until there are "tapecycle" reusable ones again.

Can I add as many new ones as I want then? At the moment the 
configuration is like this:

dumpcycle 4 weeks       # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 20         # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
                        # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just weekdays)
tapecycle 40 tapes      # the number of tapes in rotation
                        # 4 weeks (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week 

I didn't set these; the previous administrator did.
And yet there are over 100 tapes in the tapelist file! 
Do these figures mean that a level 0 must be done on each file system 
at least once every 4 weeks? 
And I guess if all the tapes are being reused then these backups are 
just for emergencies and if you wanted to look at something from say 3 
years ago, you couldn't.
I guess what I'm saying is: I think it would be a good idea to keep all 
the tapes in the tapelist for recycling but on top of this Iwould like 
to do a one-off level 0 of everything and keep that aside.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Thanks agian for your help on this.

Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

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