Dear Sirs.

I already set up a HP SureStore 6x40i changer based tape device
backing up our main server, now I tried to install on a secondary
machine with a simple HP DAT drive a second piece of amanda, but
without success.

I followed the steps described in the really confusing manuals and
other FAQ-based stuff.

If I'm right, I have to setup the following in amanda.conf:

(here are only the relevant entries)

tpchanger               "chg-manual"
tapedev                 "/dev/nsa0"
changerfile             "/usr/local/perfector/amanda/services-backup/changer.conf"

The entry "changerfile" should be set due the fact, that chg-manual driver script
searches for several status-semaphores created with the name of the base changerfile.
If I omit this, I receive an error. The targeted changerfile is either empty or
I configure some parameters like slot /dev/nsa0 etc.

But I receive allways the same result. After typing "amlabel -f CONFIG CONFIGLABEL 
slot [0-9]
(I tried slot 0 to 9, but configured either slot 0 or 1, for testing purposes to see 
the result changes) I get the message that I'm to be to insert a cartridge into drive
0 or drive 1 (depends on what I configured or what slot I gave amlabel). I inserted 
a cartridge, but I always get the same message after hitting RETURN. I checked 
amlabel.debug and there is a mt output I receive by 'mt status' - and this seems 
normal as it shows some informations about the used tape (DDS-2 and so on).

Can anybody help? What to be aware of when configuring a chg-manual device?

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinensaal)
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