(Warning: Stream-Of-Trace)

OK, I'm getting closer. The reason that it keeps asking for a tape in the
same slot is because it doesn't know what slot it's on. The message: 

     -> loaded <>

Should really have a slot number in the <>, but doesn't. The variable $used
in chg-manual is empty for unknown reasons. 

I wish I knew more shell script. 

OK, it looks like the line before the "loaded" message is the relevant one: 

used=`$MT $MTF $tape status 2>&1 | tee -a $dbglog | $EGREP "$ONLINEREGEX"`

This is placing the status message in the log, but it looks like no status
message I've ever seen. 

My status messages look like this: 

[amanda@tape configdir]$ mt -f /dev/nst0 status
SCSI 2 tape drive:
File number=0, block number=1, partition=0.
Tape block size 0 bytes. Density code 0x0 (default).
Soft error count since last status=0
General status bits on (1010000):

I think that the grep is looking for 'ONLINE' and not finding it in your
status message, so it doens't think the tape drive is ready, and asks you to
insert a tape.

Next steps would be to find out what AMANDA is invoking with $MT, and find
out if you have an mt command like mine, and how to bring the two closer

Sorry this took so long. I'm still learning shell script.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hartmann, O. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 8:55 AM
To: Bort, Paul
Subject: RE: chg-manual "poor man's" changer problems

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Bort, Paul wrote:

Of course, you're right, but this problem is reported by AMANDA. This error
seems nasty.

All right, I'll try to explain again the configuration and you'll see that
many things are clear as a canonical declaration- there must be an small
error or a microscopic misconfiguration ... :-(

Operating system:       FreeBSD 4.3-RC
AMANDA:                 Amanda 2.4.2p1

Tapedrive:              HP C1533A 9503 (4GB DDS-2 DAT drive)
                        The DAT drive is online and accessible!
                        AMANDA user 'operator' has full access to
                        the device.
                        Actually I can read and write normal cpio/pax/tar
                        from and to this drive as 'operator'.

Tape cardridges:        HP and TDK DDS-2 DAT tapes, NOT labeled!

Configuration:          /etc/inetd.conf is sdet up already, also
                        Within "operator's" home .amandahosts exists, but it
                        is not used usually for local administrative
                        As defined at compiling time /etc/amandates exists
                        ist operator-writeable.
                        A amanda.conf file exists and is clearly read out by
                        AMANDA. The important configuration tags are:

                         tpchanger               "chg-manual"
                         tapedev                 "/dev/nsa0"
                         #rawtapedev             "/dev/nrsa0"

                        The file 'changer.conf' exists, but it is empty. for
any tag I put
                        in there, I get an error by running amcheck so it
seems to be
                        right to leave this file clear, but it must exists
due the fact
                        the driver script 'chg-manual' needs it as the base
former for the
                        following also existent files:

                        changer.conf                    empty
                        changer.conf-access             22 (times of access)
                        changer.conf-clean              1
                        changer.conf-slot               1 (reflects the slot
to use),
                                                        changed this
temporarily to 0,
                                                        doesn't matter ...
What I did, do and what the logs are:

With the above mentioned configuration I tried to label or check tapes. For
instance of
labeling, I type exactly

        amlabel -f CONFIG_NAME  CONFIG_TAG

and gets:

        insert tape into slot 0 and press return

I hit return, but nothing happened and the message occurs again, and again,
and again ...
I removed manually the tape, reinserted it and hit again return. The same. I
ejected and
reinserted again, but then I did a 'mt rewind' and in one case 'mt
retention', with the
effect of nothing in the first case and a complete forward and rewind of the
tape. then I hit
return again, but I got the same message again to insert a tape in slot 0
(or one, depends
on what is in 'changer.conf-slot'.

The content of of /tmp/amanda/amlabel.debug (for doing the amlabel command):

        amlabel: debug 1 pid 96680 ruid OPERATOR_UID euid OPERATOR_UID start
time Thu Apr 19 14:49:05 2001

where OPERATOR UID is the ID of the local user 'operator' (substituted here
for security purposes).

The content of of /tmp/amanda/changer.debug is (after three times hitting

Args -> -slot current
     -> rewind /dev/nsa0
     -> status /dev/nsa0
Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
Current:  0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
---------available modes---------
0:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
1:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
2:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
3:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0
     -> loaded <>
     -> load   0
     -> rewind /dev/nsa0
     -> status /dev/nsa0
Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
Current:  0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
---------available modes---------
0:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
1:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
2:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
3:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0
     -> loaded <>
     -> rewind /dev/nsa0
     -> status /dev/nsa0
Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
Current:  0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
---------available modes---------
0:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
1:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
2:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
3:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0
     -> loaded <>

That seems really normal to me, the tape is inserted, loaded and accessible
and recognized by the tape subdevice and amanda recognizes it.

That seems more than courios to me :-(

:>Usually if AMANDA kicks out a tape during amcheck it is either because the
:>tape isn't labeled or isn't the labeled tape she was expecting (for
:>if you forgot to change the tape.)
:>With no offense intended, have you already amlabel'ed the tape you are
:>inserting during amcheck?
:>Could you post everything that amcheck returns up (and including) the
:>message? This might give a clue about why it is deciding to reject that
:>and ask for another one.
:>-----Original Message-----
:>From: Hartmann, O. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:>Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:50 PM
:>To: Bort, Paul
:>Subject: RE: chg-manual "poor man's" changer problems
:>On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Bort, Paul wrote:
:>Thanks for responding.
:>Our systems are all based on FreeBSD 4.3-RC3, I forgot to mention that.
:>well, the backup operator is 'operator' and this user has full read/write
:>permissions to the tape device (/dev/nsa0, /dev/nrsa0).
:>whenever I put any line into "changer.conf" as configured with
:>in amanda.conf I receive errors about that line - so I omit all lines, I
:>"touch" a changerfile 'changer.conf' to get the control files as expected
:>When trying 'amcheck config' I get some infos about the holding disk and I
:>offered to insert a tape in slot 0 - and I should hit return. either I do
:>while the tape is already loaded into the HP DAT (4 GB DDS-2 drive) or I
:>eject and
:>reload it again, wait for the tape to be initialised and the hit return.
:>with the same effect: I was offered to hit return again and load a tape
:>slot 0 - but nothing happened to the tape inserted into the tapedrive.
:>When checking /tmp/amanda/changer.debug then I get a big file with this:
:>Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
:>Current:  0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>---------available modes---------
:>0:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>1:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>2:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>3:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>Current Driver State: at rest.
:>File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0
:>     -> loaded <>
:>     -> rewind /dev/nsa0
:>     -> status /dev/nsa0
:>Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
:>Current:  0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>---------available modes---------
:>0:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>1:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>2:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>3:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>Current Driver State: at rest.
:>File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0
:>     -> loaded <>
:>     -> rewind /dev/nsa0
:>     -> status /dev/nsa0
:>Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
:>Current:  0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>---------available modes---------
:>0:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>1:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>2:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>3:        0x24:DDS-2           variable       61000    DCLZ
:>Current Driver State: at rest.
:>File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0
:>     -> loaded <>
:>Well, it seems to be all right, tape is loaded, clear to be written on -
:>whats going on with the changer?
:>It seems not to be willing to write anything :-(
:>A normal tar, mt operations and so on work well with the tape and as user
:>so that is not a kind of a permission issue.
:>:>The config stuff looks OK to me, I would suggest leaving off the slot
:>:>of the amlabel command. When I label tapes through chg-manual, I always
:>:>`amlabel Config2 NextTapeName`, and if it asks me to put a tape in a
:>:>specific slot, I just re-insert the tape in the drive, wait for it to
:>:>down (it's an EXB-8505, they take a while) and hit enter. Solid as a
:>:>The only other thing that comes to mind is to make sure that the amanda
:>:>has read and write permissions on the changerfile.
:>:>Good Luck.
:>:>-----Original Message-----
:>:>From: Hartmann, O. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:>:>Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 4:03 PM
:>:>Subject: chg-manual "poor man's" changer problems
:>:>Dear Sirs.
:>:>I already set up a HP SureStore 6x40i changer based tape device
:>:>backing up our main server, now I tried to install on a secondary
:>:>machine with a simple HP DAT drive a second piece of amanda, but
:>:>without success.
:>:>I followed the steps described in the really confusing manuals and
:>:>other FAQ-based stuff.
:>:>If I'm right, I have to setup the following in amanda.conf:
:>:>(here are only the relevant entries)
:>:>tpchanger               "chg-manual"
:>:>tapedev                 "/dev/nsa0"
:>:>The entry "changerfile" should be set due the fact, that chg-manual
:>:>searches for several status-semaphores created with the name of the base
:>:>If I omit this, I receive an error. The targeted changerfile is either
:>:>I configure some parameters like slot /dev/nsa0 etc.
:>:>But I receive allways the same result. After typing "amlabel -f CONFIG
:>:>CONFIGLABEL slot [0-9]
:>:>(I tried slot 0 to 9, but configured either slot 0 or 1, for testing
:>:>purposes to see whether
:>:>the result changes) I get the message that I'm to be to insert a
:>:>into drive
:>:>0 or drive 1 (depends on what I configured or what slot I gave amlabel).
:>:>inserted already
:>:>a cartridge, but I always get the same message after hitting RETURN. I
:>:>checked /tmp/amanda/
:>:>amlabel.debug and there is a mt output I receive by 'mt status' - and
:>:>seems absolutely
:>:>normal as it shows some informations about the used tape (DDS-2 and so
:>:>Can anybody help? What to be aware of when configuring a chg-manual
:>:>O. Hartmann
:>:>IT-Administration des Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
:>:>Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
:>:>Becherweg 21
:>:>55099 Mainz
:>:>Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinensaal)
:>:>Tel: +496131/3924144
:>:>FAX: +496131/3923532
:>O. Hartmann
:>IT-Administration des Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
:>Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
:>Becherweg 21
:>55099 Mainz
:>Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinensaal)
:>Tel: +496131/3924144
:>FAX: +496131/3923532

O. Hartmann

IT-Administration des Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinensaal)
Tel: +496131/3924144
FAX: +496131/3923532

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