Hi John!

> >Hm...the tape haven't and hasn't SCSI ID 5 ...
> But earlier you said:
>   Before i installed a new hard drive in the system (only scsi devices),
>   the changer device was /dev/sg6 and the tape device was /dev/sg5.

Yes, because i read that the first scsi device becomes the device /dev/sg0, 
the second device becomes sg1 etc. 
The SCSI-ID must not the same as the sg-device.
Shit, i don't find the documentation for this.
I mean, when only one scsi device is in the system with id 3, than it becomes 
the device /dev/sg0. Is the one SCSI-Device ID 1, it becomes /dev/sg0
Have you two scsi devices with SCSI-ID 2 and SCSI-ID 4 becomes the device 
with SCSI-ID 2 /dev/sg0 and the SCSI-Devie with SCSI-ID 4 /dev/sg1

In my System there was 4 HD's, one CD-ROM and the tape with the changer.
The HD's have /dev/sg0 - /dev/sg3, the CD-ROM /dev/sg4 and the Tape /Dev/sg5 
and the changer /dev/sg6.

> I took that to mean the tape drive used to be ID 5.
> Not that it really matters.  The problem is that it doesn't work now.


> I don't know enough about Linux to know where you find this out for
> sure (e.g. some boot time log messages or the like), but I suspect what
> might be happening is that the driver found something else it thought
> of as the first (zero'th) "sequential access device" and so 128 is the
> wrong minor number to have picked.  You might try creating a few others
> (/dev/nst1, etc) per the man page and see if any of them will answer to
> a simple "mt -f /dev/whatever rewind".

Hm...at another Server i looked in the devices and there is 9 and 128 the 
Major and Minor numbers of /dev/nst0. The same is in the Doc from the devices.
I will search for this dokument.

So, i found it. The document is in the Kernel sources under 

> One other possibility is that when you added the disk the tape drive
> went "dead" (unable to be accessed by the st driver) for some reason.
> For instance, it's in the wrong place on the SCSI chain (narrow after
> wide, for instance), or termination is now wrong.  That's less likely

Hm..The System is a 19" Rack with only Mainboard, Grafik etc, and cd-Rom.
in the second 19" Rack there are the HD's and the changer is an external 
device. All HD's are the same Model.

> since, if I understood correctly, you can do some simple (info) mtx
> things to it.


> Other than that, I think you need some real Linux help here.  Until you
> can get /dev/nstN to work with normal mt commands, this is not really
> an Amanda issue.

OK, i think you are right.

John, i thank you very much for your Infos and your help.
I will search for the error and i want write to you when the changer is 
running and when i know what the error is.

Bye Juergen
It's Friday!

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