On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Jonathan Dill wrote:

> The problem that I'm having is that the dumps are taking too long.  It
> looks like it would probably be a good idea to set up a second amanda
> server and split up my dumps between them, then the dumps should finish
> in time.
That's certainly one option.  It also depends on what you feel is
taking too long.  Is it a matter of finishing the client dumps and
getting out of the way of the users?  Or is it finishing with the
tape drive and being done for the day?  Have you looked carefully
at some amplot outputs to see where the time is being spent?

If the tape drive is sitting idle waiting for client dumps to
complete you could keep it busier by running more client dumps in
parallel.  Do this by increasing maxdumps or adding more holding
disk, depending on where the bottleneck is (see amplot).  Know where
your bottlenecks are before you start throwing money at the problem.
Then you'll at least know where to throw it to make the greatest

> I'm shopping for tapedrives that handle > 40 GB native, possibly in an
> autoloader depending on cost.  Some people are getting 75 GB and 180 GB
> SCSI disks now and it would be nice not to have to use GNUTAR or split
> them up into partitions for them to fit on the backup tapes that I am
> using which are DDS4 40/20 GB.

The 100 GB tapes are starting to appear now, but be prepared to open
your checkbook _real_ wide.  John has been working on tape spanning
but I don't remember him announcing having anything ready to try out
just yet.  Another semester has just come to a close so I imagine
he's probably thinking about this feature again...  :-)


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