On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 09:32:02AM -0500, C. Chan wrote:
> Also Sprach Tom Strickland:
> > The trouble is that the drive is for a charity. They are becoming more
> > and more server-centric so it becomes increasingly important that we
> > get some kind of off-site backup system in. Our problem is money. I
> > suppose that I may be able to sell the difference in price. HOWEVER -
> > my question was: does anyone know any differences between the two
> > drives OTHER THAN size/speed? For instance, I know that some older
> > models (not DDS3 or DDS4) don't perform read-after-write checking. I
> > was wondering if there is any difference other than size/speed that
> > would make me dump DDS3 in favour of DDS4.
> > 
> Understood. I have done some pro bono work for public schools and
> they are often very short of cash.
> As far as I know there are no significant differences other than
> speed/size/price.
> Regarding DDS media reliability:
> A lot of admins, including myself, have had problems with
> old DDS and DDS2 tapes. However, tape formulations for DDS3
> and DDS4 are considerably improved, and I have not had problems
> with DDS3 tapes, except a couple from Sony which where DOA out
> of the same box, after using them for the last 4 years. Since
> DDS3 media is so cheap (less than $12 per cassette) use lots
> of tapes in your Amanda configuration so you have at least two
> or three full backups per cycle.

Aha! Thanks. This is exactly the sort of info that I'm looking for. I
think that I've made up my mind to go with DDS4 if it won't give the
treasurer a coronary - otherwise DDS3.

Thanks all,


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