>>   tunkki     /usr/home lev 2 FAILED [out of tape]
>>   taper: FATAL syncpipe_get: r: unexpected EOF
>I've gotten this on two tapes now and various other errors since I
>upgraded to 2.5 (CVS) branch in hope of getting the file target to work.

You've got to be nuts to run the 2.5 branch of code. :-).  Calling it
experimental or alpha quality would be overly generous.  While doing some
work in there last week I found numerous bugs.  Unless you're planning
on debugging it yourself (and feeding the patches back), you should
probably stay away from it.

That "FATAL syncpipe_get" is a good indication of this.  It indicates
a protocol error between the two halves of taper.  That's a no-no.

>>   taper: tape sksp_018 kb 1654208 fm 5 writing file: No space left on device

As Christoph said, this, and the "out of tape" message, mean exactly
what they say -- Amanda got an error back from the OS that indicated
it had reached end of tape.

Note the "kb 1654208".  That says taper had written ~1.6 GBytes when
it got the error.  What kind of tape drive and tapes are you using?
What kind of capacity do you expect to be getting?  What do you have
your tapetype length set to?

>... I had another report (should've
>quoted that) on the same flush that said tape used was 23% or so.

That "23%" is nothing more than the amount of data taper **successfully**
wrote (i.e. it would not include the last image it was working on if
it hit an error) compared to the length parameter from the tapetype in
amanda.conf.  Since you can set the tapetype value to anything you want
(i.e. lie :-), you can make that percentage say anything.

In other words, Amanda does not magically know (e.g. by asking the drive)
that 23% of the physical tape was actually used.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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