
I just got amanda up and backing things up fine.  The next step is obviously
to test restores, and I've come up with some questions/concerns in this

first, I have NO tape drive yet - I'm trying to pry some dollars out of
managements' hands for this, but no luck so far - so all backups are being
done to holding disks only (RAID 0+1).

anyway, I wanted to restore a file from yesterdays backup as a test.

from log.20010805.0:

SUCCESS dumper utl-atl-06 /export/home 20010805 0 [sec 59.666 kb 393280 kps
6591.3 orig-kb 393260]

so a full backup was done successfully.  I went ahead and verified the file
in question was in the index file:

[siteops@utl-atl-06 _export_home]$ zgrep *

ok, looks good to me!  I su over to root and go into amrecover inside the
/export/home directory

[root@utl-atl-06 home]# amrecover Daily
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p2. Contacting server on utl-atl-06 ...
220 utl-atl-06 AMANDA index server (2.4.2p2) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2001-08-06)
200 Working date set to 2001-08-06.
200 Config set to Daily.
200 Dump host set to utl-atl-06.
$CWD '/export/home' is on disk '/export/home' mounted at '/export/home'.
200 Disk set to /export/home.
amrecover> history
200- Dump history for config "Daily" host "utl-atl-06" disk "/export/home"
201- 2001-08-05 0 /backup/hd2/20010805/utl-atl-06._export_home.0 0
201- 2001-08-04 1 /backup/hd2/20010804/utl-atl-06._export_home.1 0
201- 2001-08-03 1 /backup/hd1/20010803/utl-atl-06._export_home.1 0
201- 2001-08-02 1 /backup/hd3/20010802/utl-atl-06._export_home.1 0
201- 2001-08-01 1 /backup/hd2/20010801/utl-atl-06._export_home.1 0
201- 2001-07-31 0 /backup/hd2/20010731/utl-atl-06._export_home.0 0
200 Dump history for config "Daily" host "utl-atl-06" disk "/export/home"
amrecover> setdate ---05
200 Working date set to 2001-08-05.
amrecover> ls
2001-08-05 app/

hmm.. not good - here is a directory listing for /export/home:

[root@utl-atl-06 home]# ls -la
total 26
drwxr-xr-x   6 root     root         512 Dec 13  2000 .
drwxrwxr-x   3 root     sys          512 Dec 11  2000 ..
drwxr-xr-x   5 root     other        512 Dec 15  2000 app
drwxr-xr-x   8 ariba    ariba        512 Dec 27  2000 ariba
drwx------   2 root     root        8192 Dec 11  2000 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x   6 siteops  siteops      512 Aug  6 12:19 siteops

so we are missing a couple of directories in the interactive part of
amrecover.  Being semi-concerned at the integrity of the backups, I decided
to try a manual restore, and so extracted the gzip-tar image from the
holding disk with dd.  Then unzipped it, and verified that the file was

[root@utl-atl-06 20010805]# dd if=utl-atl-06._export_home.0 bs=32k skip=1
12290+0 records in
12290+0 records out
[siteops@utl-atl-06 /tmp]$ tar tvf out | grep
-rw------- siteops/siteops     2678 2001-04-20 16:41

extracting the file and diff'ing the original confirms that it is ok.

any suggestions?

is this a by-product of only using holding disks, or something else?  (note
that I got similar results for all the filesystems I backed-up - some
directories would appear in amrecover, some would not.

Thanks in advance!


Matthew Galer
770-453-9001 x149

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