
Eric Wadsworth wrote:

> Christopher McCrory wrote:
>>Eric Wadsworth wrote:
>>>Amanda's been running smoothly for months now. It uses 6 tapes to back up
>>>our network.
>>>I was thinking it's about time to take a "snapshot" of the network, and
>>>preserve the current 6 tapes, and start using a new set of 6. The old ones
>>>can be an off-site backup.
>>>Here's what I was thinking of doing; I'd like some feedback if this is
>>>the best solution.
>>>1. Get 6 more tapes, and amlabel them identically to the old
>>>ones: DailySet000 through DailySet005.
>>>2. Wait a few days until I'm asked to insert tape DailySet000, then take
>>>the old DailySet000, pop it into my drawer, and instead insert the new
>>>blank DailySet000. Continue this process with DailySet001 through
>>>3. Now my drawer is full of the old tapes, and I can take them home.
>>>Is this a good plan?
>>you will overwrite the database of which file to which tape.  (I can't
>>remember the correct file/term)
>>What I would do is label the next six tapes DailySet0[06..11]
>>run 'amadmin DailySet no-reuse DailySet00[0-5]'
>>this means, "don't reuse these"
> Excellent! Yes, this looks like a better solution.
>>then you could run amrecover and set the date to one that is on one of
>>those tapes.
> Okay, this portion confused me a bit... why would I run amrecover to set a date?

To get a file specifically from one of the archived tapes.
amrecover bla bla
 > setdate a.long.time.ago

or run amrestore against the tape directly.

cc:ing list so someone later could find this is an archive

>>On the next amdump run it will ask for DailySet006 ...
> PS: I love your Douglas Adams quote! I presume 6*9=42 in base 13? :)

Yea, I stole the .sig from someone else.  The quote is from a MIT speech 
he gave.

> ===========================================================
> Eric Wadsworth                        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Conceptual Systems and Software       http://www.consys.com
> ===========================================================

Christopher McCrory
"The guy that keeps the servers running"

I don't make jokes in base 13. Anyone who does should get help. 
--Douglas Adams

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