
Amanda's been running smoothly for months now. It uses 6 tapes to back up
our network.

I was thinking it's about time to take a "snapshot" of the network, and
preserve the current 6 tapes, and start using a new set of 6. The old ones
can be an off-site backup.

Here's what I was thinking of doing; I'd like some feedback if this is
the best solution.

1. Get 6 more tapes, and amlabel them identically to the old
ones: DailySet000 through DailySet005.
2. Wait a few days until I'm asked to insert tape DailySet000, then take
the old DailySet000, pop it into my drawer, and instead insert the new
blank DailySet000. Continue this process with DailySet001 through
3. Now my drawer is full of the old tapes, and I can take them home.

Is this a good plan?

--- Eric

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