Hi all!

> I don't understand why you think inetd isn't trying to run the right thing.
>  When I type netstat -a | grep -i amanda, I get this output:
> alpha:/etc/rc.d/init.d netstat -a | grep -i amanda
> tcp        0      0 *:amandaidx             *:*                     LISTEN 
> udp        0      0 *:amanda                *:*   
> Which makes it appear that amanda is running correctly to me... I might be
> wrong... I'm far from an expert.  Can someone please tell me what is
> wrong???

The netstat output just shows that inetd opened the correct ports.
Precisely it doesn't show even that. It shows that inetd opened the ports
that are associated with the entries "amandaidx" and "amanda" in
/etc/services ;-) But I'm nitpicking.

This definitely doesn't say a single bit about which commands
inetd will run, when something actually connects to the ports
in question. You could enter

amanda dgram udp wait amanda humpty dumpty

in your /etc/inetd.conf and would get the same netstat output.

Though, inetd would have a hard time actually running humpty, once
you connect.

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