Hi all!

I've just installed amanda and guess I've also configured it (seems
that I'm still far from it as there are some quirks yet).

I'm running both my tape host and clients on FreeBSD-4.3
I've installed amanda through the FreeBSD ports system, which usually
supplies FreeBSD sensible defaults for things. 
In this case, the port is configured by default with the following

However, the operator has /sbin/nologin as a shell (in /etc/passwd)
and I guess this is why I'm not able to do something like:
root> su operator -c "amcheck normal"
This account is currently not available.

Although clearly operator exists, both as a user and group.
[I've tried also building amanda --with-user=amanda and creating the
user to no avail]

The only thing that works is letting amanda have a login shell in
/etc/passwd, which I guess is the wrong thing to do (from a security

So if amanda has /bin/csh as a shell, now the above command runs fine
(see below).

So I'm stucked with this right now. I'll appreciate your suggestions.

The other problems I have with the amanda config are the clients
(actually one client) and the info and index dirs. From the amcheck

[root@pi] su amanda -c "amcheck normal"
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
WARNING: holding disk /backups: only 625078 KB free, using nothing
ERROR: /dev/nrsa0: not an amanda tape
       (expecting a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: info dir /usr/local/var/amanda/normal/curinfo/rho: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /usr/local/var/amanda/normal/index/rho: does not exist
NOTE: info dir /usr/local/var/amanda/normal/curinfo/pi: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /usr/local/var/amanda/normal/index/pi: does not exist
Server check took 12.981 seconds

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
WARNING: rho: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
WARNING: pi: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 2 hosts checked in 30.031 seconds, 2 problems found

(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.2p2)

The directories usr/local/var/amanda/normal/curinfo and index do exist
and they're owned by amanda.
So i then tried creating rho and pi under curinfo and index, but then
on the next amcheck, similar errors appear now with missing subdirs
(that correspond with entries in the disklist). Should I create all
subdirs? Or should them be files? This was not mentioned in INSTALL
(or maybe I missed it).

Also, on the client side check, I still don't understand the timeout.
I can ping and login on both rho and pi from one another. So there
should be something going on with amanda. 

Both in the server and the client, the .amandahosts file is under /,
since that is what /etc/passwd shows for a home dir for that user.
Should this go somewhere else?

Anything I can look closer to help troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance for any help.

I've been following both INSTALL and the available chapter online from
the Oreilly book, but as I said, now I'm stucked.



PS: in the disklist file I have referred to the hosts by their names:
pi, rho, (and not by their fully qualified domain names) 

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