Hi All,

I'm totally new to amanda so please excuse me for the long mail.

I have a linux box here (debian woody) with one disk and a DAT drive. There are 3 partitions on the disk (/boot, / , swap).

This PC will be a remote PC (it will be really far away from here) and I will have only ftp access.

My task is to create a method to archive the data from the disk. Fortunately (or not) the data is quite static (this means it changes very rarely) so it's not neccessary to do regular (daily or weekly) archives but it's a must to make a full archive in the nitht when some data has changed. Full archive means to save everything (all the files and directories of the application) not just the changed files.

I can handle this 'change management' (I can decide with a script if it's neccessary to make an archive or not) but I need some help to configure amanda.

As I told we need to archive specific directories and files so my first question is: is it possible to archive files and directories or amanda can archive only whole disks and/or partitions?

The second question: We have tapes of 12 GB and an archive is going to be about 250-300 MB. We'd like to use a tape as long as it's possible without removing it from the drive (because it will be really far away from here). Can we 'force' amanda to use one tape until it's full?

I know, this won't be the best archiving system in the world, but it will do. :)

Can anyone help me to discuss the config files and write them?

Thank you,


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