>I've just installed amanda ...


>In this case, the port is configured by default with the following
>However, the operator has /sbin/nologin as a shell ...

As you've noted, this is apparantly a bad thing.  But it's really a
question for the FreeBSD folks, i.e. is there something you can do that
will leave "operator" with valid, but useless, shell.

One possibility (although I know zip about FreeBSD) might be to set the
shell to /bin/false and add /bin/false to /etc/shells (or whatever file
they use to define what is valid).

>[I've tried also building amanda --with-user=amanda and creating the
>user to no avail]

What happened?  Or did you set the shell to /sbin/nologin on "amanda"
as well, in which case it makes sense it would act the same way.

>The only thing that works is letting amanda have a login shell in
>/etc/passwd, which I guess is the wrong thing to do (from a security

I do it on all my machines and am not particularly concerned.

>The other problems I have with the amanda config are the clients
>(actually one client) and the info and index dirs.  ...
>NOTE: info dir /usr/local/var/amanda/normal/curinfo/rho: does not exist
>NOTE: index dir /usr/local/var/amanda/normal/index/rho: does not exist
>NOTE: info dir /usr/local/var/amanda/normal/curinfo/pi: does not exist
>NOTE: index dir /usr/local/var/amanda/normal/index/pi: does not exist

Those are just "notes", not warnings or errors that require action on
your part.  Amanda will create the areas when it needs them (and you
should let it so the ownership, modes, etc are set right).

>WARNING: rho: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
>WARNING: pi: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
>Also, on the client side check, I still don't understand the timeout.

Welcome to, without a doubt, the most common error for new users :-).

Here are two URL's from the Amanda FAQ that usually help:


There are a number of "moving parts" that all have to be in sync for
Amanda to talk to its clients.  If you still can't get it going after
working through the FAQ points, post exactly what you did and exactly
what you saw as a result.

>Both in the server and the client, the .amandahosts file is under /,
>since that is what /etc/passwd shows for a home dir for that user.
>Should this go somewhere else?

It should go in the home directory of the Amanda user on the client (which
is "operator" in your case).  It must also be owned by the Amanda user
and should be mode 0600 or 0400.


>PS: in the disklist file I have referred to the hosts by their names:
>pi, rho, (and not by their fully qualified domain names) 

In general, it's a better idea to use fully qualified names, but Amanda
will try to work with either.

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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