"John R. Jackson" wrote:

> >I am trying to find the best way to create a incremental backup during the
> >week, and full backup on the week end.
> Why?
> One of the major features of Amanda is that it does the scheduling for
> you, and performs several types of optimization.  Do you have a specific
> reason for forcing it into doing things in a rigid manner?

At work (where we don't use Amanda), we do this for a couple of reasons:

1.  It minimizes backup-induced performance issues on the client.

2.  Our tape off-site run happens Monday, so we need the full backup at a
predictable time in order to ensure that it is the tape that goes off-site (we
don't send all of them - only the most recent).

> >Is there a way to append incremental backups everyday?
>   Do you mean append several days worth of incremental backups to a
>   single tape?  Not currently (there are technical reasons you **never**
>   want to append to tape),

Unfortunately for us techies, there are strong economic reasons for **always**
wanting to append to tapes - DLT IV tapes cost AU$100 each, and you don't want
to waste one for every 100 Mb backup you do.  If we told our customers that
they had to buy a separate backup tape for every backup run, they'd take their
money elsewhere very quickly.


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