Hi all,

I've got a|some problem|s ;) getting amanda 2.4.3b3 running as client.
One problem is that I don't know how the backup-server is set up, so I
wonder if anyone here can see sthg in the logs below.

The client is running on a SuSE-Linux 7.3 - self compiled using
        ./configure --with-user=amanda --with-group=disk
Compiling and installing didn't give me an error.

/var/lib/amanda which is the amanda-user homedir is owned by amanda:disk
and amanda has the right to rwx there. Amanda itself got a bash as
shell. The homedir contains the following files:

-rw-r--r--   1 root     root           21 Mar  1 16:39 .amandahosts
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   disk         4096 Mar 12 11:00 gnutar-lists
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   disk         4096 Apr 28  2000 index

Both dirs are empty, .amandahosts contains "backupserver.dom.ain backup"

Can you see a problem in the following logs? Or point me into a
direction where to have a look?

     Regards from Muenster/Germany
PS: please reply personally too, as I am not subscribed to this list.

amandad.20020403005137.debug --------------------
amandad: debug 1 pid 30345 ruid 37 euid 37 start time Wed Apr  3
00:51:37 2002
amandad: version 2.4.3b3
amandad: build: VERSION="Amanda-2.4.3b3"
amandad:        BUILT_DATE="Tue Mar 12 16:08:21 MET 2002"
amandad:        BUILT_MACH="Linux RoadRunner 2.2.14 #1 Mon Mar 13 10:51:48 GMT 2000 
i686 unknown"
amandad:        CC="gcc"
amandad:        CONFIGURE_COMMAND="'./configure' '--with-user=amanda' 
amandad: paths: bindir="/usr/local/bin" sbindir="/usr/local/sbin"
amandad:        libexecdir="/usr/local/libexec" mandir="/usr/local/man"
amandad:        AMANDA_TMPDIR="/tmp/amanda" AMANDA_DBGDIR="/tmp/amanda"
amandad:        CONFIG_DIR="/usr/local/etc/amanda" DEV_PREFIX="/dev/"
amandad:        RDEV_PREFIX="/dev/" SAMBA_CLIENT="/usr/bin/smbclient"
amandad:        GNUTAR="/bin/tar" COMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip"
amandad:        UNCOMPRESS_PATH="/usr/bin/gzip" MAILER="/usr/bin/Mail"
amandad:        listed_incr_dir="/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists"
amandad: defs:  DEFAULT_SERVER="RoadRunner" DEFAULT_CONFIG="DailySet1"
amandad:        DEFAULT_TAPE_SERVER="RoadRunner"
amandad:        CLIENT_LOGIN="amanda" FORCE_USERID HAVE_GZIP
amandad:        COMPRESS_SUFFIX=".gz" COMPRESS_FAST_OPT="--fast"
amandad:        COMPRESS_BEST_OPT="--best" UNCOMPRESS_OPT="-dc"
got packet:
Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 007-60610608 SEQ 1017787508
SERVICE sendsize
OPTIONS maxdumps=1;hostname=;
GNUTAR /home/balu 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 -1 exclude-list=.amanda.exclude

sending ack:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 007-60610608 SEQ 1017787508

bsd security: remote host backupserver.dom.ain user backup local user amanda
amandahosts security check passed
amandad: running service "/usr/local/libexec/sendsize"
amandad: sending REP packet:
Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 007-60610608 SEQ 1017787508
OPTIONS maxdumps=1;

amandad: got packet:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 007-60610608 SEQ 1017787508

amandad: pid 30345 finish time Wed Apr  3 00:51:37 2002
-------------------- amandad.20020403005137.debug 

sendsize.20020403005137.debug --------------------
sendsize: debug 1 pid 30346 ruid 37 euid 37 start time Wed Apr  3 00:51:37 2002
/usr/local/libexec/sendsize: version 2.4.3b3
sendsize: calculating for amname '/home/balu', dirname '/home/balu'
sendsize: getting size via gnutar for /home/balu level 0
-------------------- sendsize.20020403005137.debug

sendsize._home_balu.20020403005137.exclude is empty

additionally there is a selfcheck-file
selfcheck.20020403160640.debug --------------------
selfcheck: debug 1 pid 2338 ruid 37 euid 37 start time Wed Apr  3 16:06:40 2002
/usr/local/libexec/selfcheck: version 2.4.3b3
selfcheck: exclude list file "/home/balu/.amanda.exclude" does not exist, ignoring
selfcheck: checking disk /home/balu
selfcheck: device /home/balu
selfcheck: OK
selfcheck: pid 2338 finish time Wed Apr  3 16:06:40 2002
-------------------- selfcheck.20020403160640.debug

"Wipe Info uses hexadecimal values to wipe files. This provides more
security than wiping with decimal values."
            -- Norton SystemWorks 2002 Professional Edition User's Guide

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