To summarize what I think you've said, you are trying to back up
~200GB on a 40GB tape, and are dynamicly rewriting your disklist
entries into ~25GB chunks. You don't say how many tapes you have
in your runtapes and tapecycle, or if you have some kind of changer
configured (even if it is chg-manual).
   From the looks of the errors, Amanda is trying to do full
dumps and your disklist isn't doing what you think:

>>   beowulf    /home/proj/mm5 lev 1 FAILED [dump larger than tape, skipping
>> incremental]
>>   beowulf    /var/mail lev 1 FAILED [dumps way too big, must skip
>> incremental dumps]
>> (and so on, for ~30 or so directories)

This says an incremental of /home/proj/mm5 is >40GB so it can't write
it to tape.  The /var/mail error (dumps way too big) indicates that
the day's backup can't fit on the tapes allotted to it, so Amanda is
having to skip backups of those filesystems.
  If this was a formerly working setup, best guess is that the daily
volume of data to backup has exceeded your capacity (~40GB x runtapes).
Increasing runtapes should help (although you may have to adjust
tapecycle and runspercycle unless you have extra tapes).
  I would also suggest splitting up your directories to under 20GB
instead of 25GB.  If it writes one 25GB dump to tape and then starts
on another level 0, it will write 15 GB and hit EOT, and have to
start over on another tape.  With a smaller directory size it will
waste less space on each tape.

Good luck,

--On Monday, April 22, 2002 09:52:10 -0600 "Brashers, Bart -- MFG, Inc." 

> I didn't get any responses from my posting last Thursday, so I'm guessing
> I'm really up the creek on this one.
> If anyone has any suggestions as to how to fix this problem, please let me
> know.  I've now gone 4 days without a backup, and I'm afraid I'm going to
> have to delete everything and start from scratch!
> Thanks,
> Bart
> ------------
> After many months of operation (THANK YOU to all the developers!) last
> night's amanda Daily run gave me this error:
>   planner: FATAL error [planner askfor: lev out of range -1..10: 10]
>   beowulf    /usr/local RESULTS MISSING
>   beowulf    /var/mail RESULTS MISSING
> (and so on, for every element of the disklist)
> The only debug files from this (9 PM) run were
>   /tmp/amanda.amtrmlog.*.debug
>   /tmp/amanda/amtrmidx.*.debug
> but they showed nothing particularly interesting or helpful.  The latter
> said
>   could not open index directory "/var/lib/amanda/Daily/index/db02/_root/"
> but that's because I recently added that machine-directory combination
> (oops, forgot it) and amanda hasn't managed to schedule a full dump, and
> won't incrementally dump a new disk.
> The relevant parts of my amanda.conf file are:
> dumpcycle 3 weeks
> runspercycle 15
> tapecycle 17 tapes
> define dumptype mydumptype {
>     program "GNUTAR"
>     compress none
> } (plus more of the usual options)
> I searched the archive, but could not find anything directly relevant.  This
> "lev out of range" error happened to me once before, when I was first
> learning and setting up amanda.  That time, I just deleted all the logs and
> tapelists and everything, and started from scratch.  I would like to avoid
> repeating that.
> The only other (possibly) relevant detail is that I constantly get errors
> like:
>   beowulf    /home/proj/mm5 lev 1 FAILED [dump larger than tape, skipping
> incremental]
>   beowulf    /var/mail lev 1 FAILED [dumps way too big, must skip
> incremental dumps]
> (and so on, for ~30 or so directories)
> I've written a script that runs (via crontab) every afternoon and
> re-generates the disklist.  It starts with a list of directories (/etc
> /var/log /var/lib /usr/spool /root /home /data).  For every directory it
> finds that contains more than 25Gb, it recursively breaks it up and adds the
> sub-directories to the disklist.  This is because /home is currently 153Gb,
> and would never get dumped since it's larger than a tape.
> I have about 200Gb to backup to a DLT8000 (40 Gb) tape drive.  I recently
> went from a 2 to 3 week dumpcycle, hoping that the extra space would get rid
> of the "dumps way too big" error.
> Please cc me with any hints as to how to clear this up, as I only get daily
> digests and I don't want to wait until tomorrow to fix this...
> Bart
> --
> Bart Brashers                   MFG Inc.
> Air Quality Meteorologist       19203 36th Ave W Suite 101
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Lynnwood WA 98036-5707
>           425.921.4000 Fax: 425.921.4040

Frank Smith                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator                                     Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                             Fax: 512-374-4501

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