On Tue, 28 May 2002 at 3:45pm, jean wrote

> but couldn't find the answer so I think I will ask here.
>       We have amanda 2.4.1 running on a Linux system.  It is working fine so 
> far.  Currently it only  backs up the server that it sits on to a tape 
> everyday.   Now we like to add one more machine to be backup on it.  I 
> would like to have some information as how to change the current 
> configuration so that it will go to the IP of that "new' machine and  back 
> up its content on the same tape.
>       I hope I don't have to re-install the program again.  Thanx in advance.

You'll need to compile, install, and configure amanda on the new machine 
you want to backup.  Then, add its hostname and the partitions/directories 
you want to backup to the disklist on the server.  Details in 
docs/INSTALL, the "chapter" at www.backupcentral.com, F-O-M, the archives 
of this list, and our brains which you're welcome to pick after you've 
exhausted everything else.  :)

Good luck.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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