Hi All,

I've recently intalled a Travan 20GB tape drive ATAPI (IDE) (M/N:
STT320000A), and I'm running Linux 7.1 with Amanda 2.4.2p2. I'm yet to get
it to work. We are able to see the /dev/nht0 device and can rewind, etc...
We cannot amlabel or do amcheck.

The software which comes with the tape drive only supports Microsoft Windows
and there is no mention of Linux in the documentation or on their website. I
plug the tape drive into a  Windows machine and install backup-exec and it
works, but I had to first "media initialize."

 I am trying to label the tape using amlabel, with the tape device in the
config file set to nht0 instead of ht0, ie non-rewinding, but the message
received is:

rewinding, reading label, no label found
rewinding, writing label archive1, checking label
amlabel: no label found, are you sure /dev/nht0 is non-rewinding?

when I use amcheck, the message is:
ERROR:    /dev/nht0:    not an amanda tape
                  (expecting a new tape)

What am I not seeing/checking?

Where does Linux get the driver for the tape drive from if I haven't
installed the software that comes with it. Does the Red Hat package come
with a driver? The autodetect on startup detects a Seagate STT20000A, but on
the drive it says STT320000A. Am I way off ? Please Help!

System Instability
The resultant problem since I've installed the tape drive is our Linux file
server is freezing up, forced rebooting results which is obviously a no-no.

On shutdown, I see a message:

Sending all processes the TERM signal...
Sending all processes the KILL signal... md: recovery thread got woken up..
md: recovery thread finished...
mdrecoveryd(8) flushing signals.

?Is this of importance to me? The system often freezes at this point.

The other message I receive comes up at random intivals, sometimes when the
tape's activity light is on with no activity is happening, and often causes
the computer to freeze:

ide-tape: hdd: cleanup_module( ) called while still busy.

Trevor Fraser

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