check the other replies to your message.. some more detailed info is

the dumpcycle/runspercycle is there to help the planner along.. nothing
more.. remember, the amanda planner is psudo-smart.. it tries to predict
which disk should get their full backups which days.

the cron job is there to just process a current dump.. allowing you to
decide exactly when dumps should occur, not allowing the planer to try and
figure it out for you.


On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Fernan Aguero wrote:

> +----[ Ben Kochie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) dijo sobre "Re: 2 tape strategy":
> |
> | you also need to update the cron entries so that it only runs on the days
> | you want it to.. read the crontab man page, and run the apropriate crontab
> | command for your system.  (i can't tell you any more, because you didn't
> | say what OS and version you're running)
> |
> | -ben
> Yes!
> Thanks Ben ... I completely forgot about the cron job.
> However, now my question is: how does the interaction of cron job and
> dumpcycle/runspercycle work?
> What is the meaning of runspercycle in amanda.conf if the
> actual 'runs per cycle' are set through the cron job?
> i.e. if i set a dumpcycle of 7 days (meaning I want at least 1 level 0
> dump of each fs per week) and runspercycle to 1, I would expect to
> have amanda run only once per week and do a full dump of every fs.
> However if my cron job is set to run amcheck + amdump every day, I
> suppose amanda will run daily (as it's happening now) and will try to
> dump daily to tape. (Why doesn't amanda skip some days, even if called
> from a cron job?).
> Fernan
> |
> | On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Fernan Aguero wrote:
> |
> | > Hi!
> | >
> | > I am running amanda-2.4.2p2 succesfully with 2 hosts (1 server, 1
> | > client). All disklist entries (level 0 dump) fit well on a DDS-4 40GB
> | > using software compression (about 24 GB now).
> | >
> | > I have only 4 tapes in use and momentarily just 2 (I am keeping 2 of them as
> | > archival tapes as I am burning some of the data on CDs, and will
> | > return them to the tapecycle as soon as they get done).
> | >
> | > This is how I've set my conf file:
> | >
> | > dumpcycle 7
> | > runspercycle 2
> | > tapecycle 2 tapes
> | >
> | > Based on this I'd expected amanda to run just twice every 7 days.
> | > However, amanda still runs everyday.
> | > Is it possible to do this? (if i set a dumpcycle of 30 and
> | > runspercycle of 1, would amanda run just once per month?)
> | >
> | > I am currently forcing level 0 dumps in every run because otherwise
> | > amanda would almost always overwrite the only level 0 dump for a
> | > filesystem.
> | >
> | > Since all lev > 0 dumps are only a few megabytes (< 100 MB), is it
> | > possible to have amanda append these to the end of each tape, thus
> | > leaving the level 0 dumps untouched?
> | >
> | > Currently I have this problem because on weekends amanda would run
> | > without being forced to do a lev 0 dump and thus would leave things in
> | > the holding disk that need to be flushed on Monday. That day, I will
> | > be left with only 1 level 0 dump in tape for each filesystem.
> | >
> | > Thanks in advance,
> | >
> | > Fernan
> | >
> | > PS: I know that just getting more tapes would be the ideal solution,
> | > but that is not economically possible in the short term. I'll
> | > appreciate comments on how to make amanda run as tapewise as it can,
> | > given my shortage of tape media.
> | >
> | > --
> | >
> | > |  F e r n a n   A g u e r o  |  B i o i n f o r m a t i c s  |
> | > |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |      |
> | >
> |
> |
> |
> +----]
> --
> |  F e r n a n   A g u e r o  |  B i o i n f o r m a t i c s  |
> |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |      |

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