> My interest is to know ow to restore an entire directory and all it's
> subdirectories and all their files content in the shortest time possible
> after an unwanted disaster may occur.

To do this in the shortest time possible the answer must be back 
up the amanda database files onto floppy disk on a regular basis, 
also test the floppy regularly. If your DB files won't fit onto a floppy 
consider CD or the tape your backing the other stuff on to. 
Although may have complicatyions with this method because the 
DB files will be open while amanda is running. In this scenario you 
only have to dig through the tape for the DB files restore them then 
restore as normal. 

This is the way we do it although touch wood we have not been 
faced with such a situation to date. Now that I've said that I know 
it's going to happen.

David Flood
Systems Administrator

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