On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 11:04am, Eduardo Ceva wrote

> well runing ./amcheck config I get this
> manda Tape Server Host Check
> -----------------------------
> WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/planner: not setuid-root
> WARNING: program /usr/local/libexec/dumper: not setuid-root
> WARNING: program /usr/local/sbin/amcheck: not setuid-root

OK, this is a problem.  Did you run 'make install' as root?  Those 
programs need to be setuid for amanda to work correctly.  The easiest way 
to make sure that everything that needs to be setuid, is, is to run 'make 
install' as root.

Also, if /usr/local is NFS mounted, make sure it's exported with the 
no_root_squash flag.

> another thing, I not sure if I am using DuMP or TAR, but I guess I am using
> dump
> what should I do now???

It depends on the dumptype you specify in your disklist.  Also, you need 
to know that dump can only backup full filesystems (i.e. entries in 
the output of 'df').  If you want to backup subdirectories, you need to 
use tar.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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