On Thu, 27 Jun 2002 at 11:57am, Eduardo Ceva wrote

> Well I had logged like operador, and using console I used su - command, well
> I will try to recompile again logged as root, letīs see what happens in my
> disklist I have this:

Is /usr/local a local filesystem?

> # /etc of piaui.
> piaui /etc { # the line break here is mandatory
>   always-full # copy properties of root-tar
>   compress server best # but change the compression mode
> } # spindle and interface omitted here
> # amandas configuration
> piaui /usr/local/etc/amanda {
>   always-full
>   compress server best
> } local

You need 'program "GNUTAR"'.  program defaults to dump.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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