On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 at 10:03am, Steve Simeonidis wrote

> 1/
> Some of the data we backup do not fit on a single tape
> How do I handle that if we haven't got a changer??
> 2/
> Usually we do full backups only. We have 7 tapes, 5 weekday and 2
> that are used as "weekly" tapes that are send to another location.
> How can I configure that with amanda? I'm a bit confused
> with dumpcycle-runspercycle-tapecycle-runtapes

If you'll look through the archives, you'll see this is a very common 
beginner's question.  Typically, forcing amanda to do what you want 
doesn't work as well as letting it do what it wants -- it's good at it's 

As for your questions, if you have partitions that are bigger than a tape, 
you can split them up into multiple disklist entries if you specify GNUTAR 
as your dump program.  You say you do full backups only, but some data 
sets are bigger than a tape -- how can you do weeklies then?

In your situation, I'd do this:

For your nightly backups, define a Daily configuration.  dumpcycle 1 week, 
runspercycle 5, and tapecycle 10 (you'll need to buy more tapes -- having 
tapecycle=runspercycle is Bad, as one failed backup can mean you destroy 
your only backup of some systems).  For the weeklies, dumpcycle 0, 
tapecycle 2 (or however many you need to fit all your data).

Good luck.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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