Unfortunately the "documentation" on amanda is not up to

I've been trying for a few days now to get this thing to work. 8-(

I've gone through the archives but it is very hard sometimes
to find exactly what you are looking for.

When I changed the amanda configuration file to use
runtapes 2
tpchanger "chg-manual"

and try to label the tape I get the following error. any ideas?

[root@zeus tmp]# su amanda -c "amlabel -f DailySet1 DMP01"
bash: /root/.bashrc: Permission denied
labeling tape in slot /usr/lib/amanda/chg-manual: 
(/usr/adm/amanda/changer-status-clean: No such file or directory):
amlabel: no tape online

Also I've noticed that some people use an extra parameter
in their disklist configuration file, what is it used for?
I can't find any docs.


localhost   /var   always-full  0

What is that 0 value for, some people use 1.


On Thursday 31 October 2002 18:04, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 at 10:03am, Steve Simeonidis wrote
> > 1/
> > Some of the data we backup do not fit on a single tape
> > How do I handle that if we haven't got a changer??
> >
> > 2/
> > Usually we do full backups only. We have 7 tapes, 5 weekday and 2
> > that are used as "weekly" tapes that are send to another location.
> > How can I configure that with amanda? I'm a bit confused
> > with dumpcycle-runspercycle-tapecycle-runtapes
> If you'll look through the archives, you'll see this is a very common
> beginner's question.  Typically, forcing amanda to do what you want
> doesn't work as well as letting it do what it wants -- it's good at it's
> job.
> As for your questions, if you have partitions that are bigger than a tape,
> you can split them up into multiple disklist entries if you specify GNUTAR
> as your dump program.  You say you do full backups only, but some data
> sets are bigger than a tape -- how can you do weeklies then?
> In your situation, I'd do this:
> For your nightly backups, define a Daily configuration.  dumpcycle 1 week,
> runspercycle 5, and tapecycle 10 (you'll need to buy more tapes -- having
> tapecycle=runspercycle is Bad, as one failed backup can mean you destroy
> your only backup of some systems).  For the weeklies, dumpcycle 0,
> tapecycle 2 (or however many you need to fit all your data).
> Good luck.

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