On Wednesday 23 July 2003 15:36, Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:

> The doc (under FreeBSD 5.1) also says that the hard links can't be used for
> directories, but only for files. I tested it, and indeed, I'm stuck.
> A little search on google explained me that the filesystem limits that
> because every file needs to now who is its father (directory), and has to
> have only one father. This seems related to some inability to detect the
> recursivity in some cases (... foggy, ain't it ? :o)
> Well, so I'm stuck here with my problem... too bad...

A little thinking here would help - in your script which runs amanda, all you 
have to do is hardlink every file in the last holding directory to a 
similarly named file in another directory and you're done. But I'm not sure 
what that gets you TBH, apart from a set of files. Because amanda has now 
flushed those files, she won't look in the holding disk when asked to 
recover. Two options there :

1) Recover from those backups manually

2) Also before the daily run, copy (not link) the index files (and possibly 
some more stuff) elsewhere. After the daily run, rename this other directory 
to the name of the just flushed holding directory.Then, if you need to 
recover from the holding disk, you just put the (1 amanda run old) set of 
files back in place, and amrecover, working from the old files, happily 
retrieves from the holding disk.

Option 2) sounds messy, but once it's scripted, it'd be smooth.


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