On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 à 03:54:40PM +0100, Niall O Broin wrote:
> A little thinking here would help

I sure need advices :o)

>- in your script which runs amanda, all you 
> have to do is hardlink every file in the last holding directory to a 
> similarly named file in another directory and you're done. But I'm not sure 
> what that gets you TBH, apart from a set of files. Because amanda has now 
> flushed those files, she won't look in the holding disk when asked to 
> recover.

So true ! I did not think about that.
I didn't think about that because I was thinking about this system just for me, the 
console sysadmin in his cave, that dd and untar like breathing.
Indeed, for the other 'normal' sysadmins, this will be easier to use the amrecover 
mecanisms and the usual way.

Anyway, if I manage to do that, this daily copy will be very useful.

>Two options there :
> 1) Recover from those backups manually

I already did some tests. This does work.

> 2) Also before the daily run, copy (not link) the index files (and possibly 
> some more stuff) elsewhere. After the daily run, rename this other directory 
> to the name of the just flushed holding directory.Then, if you need to 
> recover from the holding disk, you just put the (1 amanda run old) set of 
> files back in place, and amrecover, working from the old files, happily 
> retrieves from the holding disk.

Though this seems complex, it is not.
But this still implies a *copy*
(... Also before the daily run, copy (not link) the index files (and possibly... )
and then some more space on my holding disk...

Well, for every one, thank you for your advices. For this problem, I stop here on this 
I may look at the code, and perhaps ask the coders.
This is not a vital feature, though useful, so let's not spend too many time on it.

If I have enough room, I'll do a dumb copy and this will be simple.
If not, I won't do anything else than walk to the tapes building... :o)

Thanks to everyone, have a nice day.

Nicolas Ecarnot

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