On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 à 04:41:12PM +0200, Paul Bijnens wrote:
> You have two configs; Config1 "reserve 100" and a bogus
> "tapedev /no/such/tape" and holdingdisk set to
> "/bigdisk/amandahold/Config1/".
> The other, Config2, "tapedev /dev/nst0" (or whatever is the
> real tapedev) and holdingdisk "/bigdisk/amandahold/Config2".
> The disklist is shared (use a hard link :-) ).
> We make the dumps with Config1, and they stay in the holdingdisk
> because your tapedev is bogus.
> Then we populate the other holdingdisk with links to this one,
> using "cpio --link" as program to create the symlinks:

(damned, I'm looking the english translation of the french 
expression "faire la fine bouche" !)
I'm absolutely confuse to appear as asking too much,
but I sure would prefer not to touch my amanda configuration, so the Kurt's solution
seems nice (apart the ressources considerations).

But I really can't admit there is no way to tell to amflush not to remove the holding 
files !

Should I ask the dev mailing list if the patch exist ?

Nicolas Ecarnot

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