On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 at 11:47am, Bradley Glonka wrote

> Can someone explain to me how to get *each* of the dump images
> I've tried the obvious skip=2 to get the seond image but that does not
> work.
> It seems to give the something very close to the first dump image.

To understand this, understand how amanda puts images on tape.  Amanda 
puts several "files" on each tape:

File no  Conents
1        tape header
2        first dump image, with 32k header
3        second dump image, with 32k header

So, to get the first dump image:

mt rewind
mt fsf 1 (skip over 1 tape file)
dd if=/dev/tape of=image1 bs=32k skip=1

To get the second image:

mt rewind
mt fsf 2
dd if=/dev/tape of=image2 bs=32k skip=1

To get all images

mt rewind
mt fsf 1
dd if=/dev/tape of=image1 bs=32k skip=1
dd if=/dev/tape of=image2 bs=32k skip=1
until the last image.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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