* Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Mon, Oct 06, 2003 at 11:57:54AM -0400)
> On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 at 11:47am, Bradley Glonka wrote
> > Can someone explain to me how to get *each* of the dump images
> > I've tried the obvious skip=2 to get the seond image but that does not
> > work.
> > It seems to give the something very close to the first dump image.
> To understand this, understand how amanda puts images on tape.  Amanda 
> puts several "files" on each tape:
> File no  Conents
> 1        tape header
> 2        first dump image, with 32k header
> 3        second dump image, with 32k header
> So, to get the first dump image:
> mt rewind
> mt fsf 1 (skip over 1 tape file)
> dd if=/dev/tape of=image1 bs=32k skip=1
> To get the second image:
> mt rewind
> mt fsf 2
> dd if=/dev/tape of=image2 bs=32k skip=1
> To get all images
> mt rewind
> mt fsf 1
> dd if=/dev/tape of=image1 bs=32k skip=1
> dd if=/dev/tape of=image2 bs=32k skip=1
> ..
> ..
> until the last image.

Please note that this will leave you with 200G of imageN files (if the LTO
tape was completely filled and compressed ideally)

If you know what dump coammnd was used
(and you can find that with
mt rewind
mt fsf 1
while !eof
    dd if=/dev/tape of=- bs=32k count=1

You can then extract them all
mt rewind
mt fsf 1
while !eof
    dd if=/dev/tape of=- bs=32k skip=1 | ufsrstore -xvf

Attached a small perl script that will generate an index-like listing from
an amanda tape (which assumes you have perl installed as /usr/bin/perl)
amanda.toc.pl /dev/rmt/1n (or whatever the name of your *NO*REWIND*
tapedevice is.)

Kind regards,
Gerhard den Hollander                           Phone :+31-10.280.1515
ICT manager                                     Direct:+31-10.280.1539 
Jason Geosystems BV                             Fax   :+31-10.280.1511 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   POBox 1573
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Attachment: amanda.toc.pl
Description: Perl program

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