--On Friday, July 30, 2004 18:20:08 -0300 Fábio Mendonça Albuquerque Cunha <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I am trying to do a full backup of 03 filesystems (127 GB), and my tape is an AIT 
> 50/130 GB tape driver.
> My amcheck is OK, no problems found ...
> Amdump simply don't work and report me this :
>> These dumps were to tape fita03.
>> *** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: No space left on device]].

Tape is full.

>> Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
>> Run amflush to flush them to tape.

You may need to do this.

>> The next tape Amanda expects to use is: a new tape.
>>   servarq.es /projeto2 lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, 16044295 KB, but
> cannot incremental dump new disk]

Not sure why you got this, 16GB should fit on a 50GB tape.  Perhaps you
have an incorrect length set in your tapetype?

>>   servarq.es /projeto3 lev 0 STRANGE

Tar encountered some warnings on /projeto3, they are listed below.
STRANGE may or not be a problem, you need to look at it's output below
and decide yourself.

>>   servarq.es /projeto1 lev 0 FAILED [out of tape]

The tape filled up while writing this filesystem so it didn't make it
to tape successfully.  It may be on your holding disk if you defined one.
If so, run amflush.

>>   servarq.es /projeto1 lev 0 FAILED ["data write: Connection reset by
> peer"]

Possibly you weren't using a holding disk and it was going directly
to tape, so when the tape filled up the pipe closed, terminating the

>>   servarq.es /projeto1 lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
>>                           Total       Full      Daily
>>                         --------   --------   --------
>> Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:21
>> Run Time (hrs:min)        11:56
>> Dump Time (hrs:min)        5:18       5:18       0:00
>> Output Size (meg)       17838.9    17838.9        0.0
>> Original Size (meg)     33755.8    33755.8        0.0
>> Avg Compressed Size (%)    52.8       52.8        --
>> Filesystems Dumped            1          1          0
>> Avg Dump Rate (k/s)       956.0      956.0        --
>> Tape Time (hrs:min)        5:19       5:19       0:00
>> Tape Size (meg)         17838.9    17838.9        0.0
>> Tape Used (%)              35.7       35.7        0.0
>> Filesystems Taped             1          1          0
>> Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)   955.5      955.5        --
>>   Label        Time      Size      %    Nb
>>   fita03       5:19   17838.9   35.7     1
>> /-- servarq.es /projeto3 lev 0 STRANGE
>> sendbackup: start [servarq.estatica.com.br:/projeto3 level 0]
>> sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/gtar
>> sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gtar -f... -
>> sendbackup: info end
>> ? gtar: ./projeto3/COMGAS-1463/Enrique/Cartas a Tramitar/oficio 04-08xx -
> CPTM - S\306o Paulo - 03.035 - 1.doc: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or
> directory
>> ? gtar: ./projeto3/COMGAS-1463/Enrique/Cartas a Tramitar/oficio 04-08xx -
> CPTM - S\306o Paulo - 03.035 - 2.doc: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or
> directory
>> ? gtar: ./projeto3/COMGAS-1463/Enrique/Cartas a Tramitar/oficio 04-08xx -
> METRO - S\306o Paulo - 03.035.doc: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or
> directory
>> ? gtar: ./projeto3/COMGAS-1463/e-mail recebido ate/COMGAS/Fw_
> Concorr\210ncia Elabora\207\306o Projeto Executivo - Bols\344es Av_
> Jabaquara_Lino Coutinho_Winner_Cardoso Almeida_Ant\223nio Ambuda_Costa
> Marina_Ida Kolbi_ERS41_Ripasa Pap\202is Limeira.eml: Warning: Cannot stat:
> No such file or directory
>> ? gtar: ./projeto3/COMGAS-1463/e-mail recebido ate/COMGAS/Fw_
> Concorr\210ncia Elabora\207\306o Projeto Executivo - Bols\344es Av_
> Jabaquara_Lino Coutinho_Winner_Cardoso Almeida_Ant\223nio Ambuda_Costa
> Marina_Ida Kolbi_ERS41_Ripasa_Pap\202is Limeira.eml: Warning: Cannot stat:
> No such file or directory

All these files disappeared between the time tar made its filelist and
the time it tried to read them.  The result of backing up a busy
filesystem.  May or may not be a concern to you.

>> | Total bytes written: 35395502080 (33GB, 1.8MB/s)
>> sendbackup: size 34565920
>> sendbackup: end
>> \--------
>> /-- servarq.es /projeto1 lev 0 FAILED ["data write: Connection reset by
> peer"]
>> sendbackup: start [servarq.estatica.com.br:/projeto1 level 0]
>> sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/gtar
>> sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gtar -f... -
>> sendbackup: info end
>> \--------
>>   planner: tapecycle (5) <= runspercycle (7)
>>   planner: Adding new disk servarq.estatica.com.br:/projeto2.
>>   planner: Adding new disk servarq.estatica.com.br:/projeto3.
>>   planner: Adding new disk servarq.estatica.com.br:/projeto1.
>>   taper: tape fita03 kb 43281440 fm 2 writing file: No space left on
> device

Amanda wrote 43GB when it hit the end of tape.

>>                                      DUMPER STATS            TAPER STATS
>> -------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------
>> servarq.esta /projeto1   0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
>> servarq.esta /projeto2   0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
>> servarq.esta /projeto3   0 3456592018267056  52.8 318:28 956.0 318:37
> 955.5
>> (brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.4p3)
> At my configuration file I use this options :
> define dumptype comp-high {
>>     global
>>     comment "very important partitions on fast machines"
>>     compress client best
>>     priority high
>> }
>> Compress: I supose that option I used the best, but the slowest one, right ? What 
>> the comprresion that is used at this option ? bzip2 ?

Its all gzip, the best just calls it with the option to trade off speed for
higher compression.  Be aware that already-compressed data gets slightly
bigger when you try to compress it.

> At my disklist I use :
>> my_host.my_domain /dir1 comp-high
>> my_host.my_domain /dir2 comp-high
>> my_host.my_domain /dir3 comp-high
>> my_host.my_domain /dir4 comp-high
> Someone could help me ???
> Am I providing enough information ?

You may need to provide your amanda.conf.  Perhaps increasing runtapes
to 2, increasing your dumpcycle or runspercycle, or starting with a
smaller disklist that you add filesystems to slowly would allow you
to get it all working.
   Also make sure the length in your tapetype is correct.


> Regards,
> InfraNet Tecnologia
> Fábio M. A. Cunha
> (55 11) 5542-0941 ramal 22
> (55 11) 9603-6377
> www.infranetsp.com.br

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