+----[ Paul Bijnens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (09.Oct.2004 16:08):
| Fernan Aguero wrote:
| >The problem is that amanda it's always failing to estimate
| >the size for this disklist entry (DLE).
| >
| >This is from log.20041008.0
| >FAIL planner pi /scratch 20041008 0 [disk /scratch, all estimate failed]

Hi Paul!

I still have the problem, but seems you hit the point by
suggesting me to lool under this file:

| What is in the debug file on the client 
| /tmp/amanda/sendsize.DATESTAMP.debug ?

sendsize[20790]: time 508.668: calculating for amname '/scratch', dirname 
'/scratch', spindle 2
sendsize[20790]: time 508.668: getting size via gnutar for /scratch level 0
sendsize[20790]: time 508.684: spawning /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar in 
sendsize[20790]: argument list: /usr/local/bin/gtar --create --file /dev/null 
--directory /scratch --one-file-system --listed-incremental 
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/pi_scratch_0.new --sparse 
--ignore-failed-read --totals --exclude-from 
/tmp/amanda/sendsize._scratch.20041012005329.exclude .
sendsize[20790]: time 508.709: runtar: error [must be invoked by operator]
sendsize[20790]: time 508.711: 
sendsize[20790]: time 508.713: .....
sendsize[20790]: estimate time for /scratch level 0: 0.028
sendsize[20790]: no size line match in /usr/local/bin/gtar output for "/scratch"
sendsize[20790]: .....
sendsize[20790]: estimate size for /scratch level 0: -1 KB
sendsize[20790]: time 508.713: waiting for /usr/local/bin/gtar "/scratch" child
sendsize[20790]: time 508.713: after /usr/local/bin/gtar "/scratch" wait
sendsize[20790]: time 508.713: done with amname '/scratch', dirname '/scratch', 
spindle 2
sendsize[20728]: time 508.714: child 20790 terminated normally

So it seems that there is a problem with the user/group
and/or privileges ... i

this also happens when I manually run the runtar executable
with a similar command line (I must su to operator, amanda
or root will not work). 

this is the /scratch partition:
pi# ls -ld /scratch/
drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel  512 Oct 12 11:57 /scratch/

this is the gnutar executable
pi# ls -l /usr/local/bin/gtar
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  162212 Jul  5 11:42 /usr/local/bin/gtar

this is the runtar executable
pi# ls -l /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar 
-r-sr-x---  1 root  operator  4636 Sep 28 12:22 /usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar

amanda has been compiled with user=amanda, and the group has
been left to the default (operator).

The disk /scratch is actually /dev/ad2c:
pi# ls -l /dev/ad2c 
crw-r-----  2 root  operator  116,  18 Sep 20 19:09 /dev/ad2c

Clearly the problem is that when running as amanda, the
runtar program exits, saying that we need to run as
'operator' ... maybe I missed something obvious in my setup?

| How long did it take?

When I manually run runtar? Less than 15 seconds (this is
sending output to /dev/null).

| Not completely clear from your post: did other DLE's on the same host
| did get a good estimate?  Do they use dump instead of tar?

yes, and they all use dump. This is the only DLE that uses

| When running "runtar" by hand on the client, did you run that as user
| amanda or user root?

No, as I said above none of this would let me do the
estimate. I needed to su -m operator before running runtar.

Where should I look? ...

Thanks again,


Fernan Aguero -  fernan at iib.unsam.edu.ar
Phone: +54 11 4580-7255/7 ext 310, Fax: +54 11 4752-9639
Check http://genoma.unsam.edu.ar/~fernan for more info.

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