On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 06:15:31PM +0000, Anthony Worrall wrote:
> Hi
> I would guess the Ultra 40 if you go for the dual core option, there may
> not 
> be much of a difference in the single core options 2.8GHz vs 2.6GHz.
> Form the sun web site
> Ultra 40 Processor
> One or two AMD Opteron 940-pin, 200-series single-core CPUs that range
> from 2.0 GHz to 2.8 GHz (models 246, 250, and 254) and dual-core CPUs
> that range from 2.2 GHz to 2.4 GHz (models 275 and 280) with three
> 8-GBps HyperTransport interconnects per CPU
> W2100z Processor 
> Two AMD Opteron 200 Series CPUs that range from Model 244 (1.8 GHz) to
> Model 252 (2.6 GHz)

So the consensus seems to be get the higher powerd CPU unit, even though
it's SATA vs SCSI for the other one.

BTW, the machines in question are the top end of each of these 2 product
lines. So it is a dual core versus single core choice.

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