Charlie Reitsma wrote:

> The initial backup is going to be all level 0. After that the planner
> is going to try for a balanced mix of fulls and incrementals. 

Ok, I'm hijacking a thread. Sorry about that. But, really, it does fit in.

I just tried something this weekend, and the above comment may be the
root of why what I tried didn't work the way I had hoped.

I've got a successful daily backup scheme running with an AIT5 tape
library. It runs 5 days a week with a dumpcycle of 1 week, runspercycle
of 5, and a tapecycle of 30. This fits virtually all of our requirements.

However, after some discussion about the possibility of people working
on weekends and losing something they did over the weekend before we hit
the Monday night backup, I decided to try running incrementals only over
the weekend and just stashing them on a holding disk. Without getting
into virtual tapes, the quick and dirty seemed to be a backup to DAT
with the tape missing and a holding disk available. I set that up in
just the hour before going home Friday, figuring I would take a look at
virtual tapes this week. I had a 14G partition that I made available for
holding space, figuring that would work for incrementals only. This was
set up in a separate "weekend" configuration.

Well, the report shows amanda trying to do full (level 0) backups on
everything and failing because 14G was just not even close to adequate
for that.

What I tried was:

dumpcycle 1 week
runspercycle 2
tapecycle 2
tapedev "/dev/rmt/0n" #DAT so as not to interfere with my AIT5

I know, I know, the tapecycle is going to get all screwed up not having
tapes, but it was only temporary.

then I created a dumptype that was the same as my regular dumps but with

record no
strategy incronly

I thought this would work, because the incremental would be based on
ufsdump, and it would know there had been a full, even though it was a
different configuration.

Apparently, I've got this wrong. I'll check through the documentation,
but I thought someone on the list might have done something like this or
know either that it can't be done or how to do it as well as why.
(Possibly, amanda interprets incronly as "iff there has already been a
full at some time under this configuration.")



Chris Hoogendyk

   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 



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