
Dustin suggested the same, just checked and to my suprise the
switch was present, up'd it from 1800 to 2400 (seconds).

It was the only DLE in the test though and had progressed to 
70% the last time I'd checked. I don't think it was idle...

I had an exclude for "./root/proc/*", which may have been invalid
and found nothing, I've changed it to "./root/proc" and will keep
my fingers crossed for tonight.



> You're probably on the edge of either the estimate or data timeout
> values (etimeout or dtimeout).  You could try increasing those
> values.  I'm not familiar with Solaris zones, but if ./root/proc
> is really the proc filesystem, you should exclude that from
> your backup as it can be quite a rabbit hole. Try  using an
> exclude file or exclude list to exclude ./root/proc and see if
> that speeds things up.

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 03:17:41PM -0600, Frank Smith wrote:
> Brian Cuttler wrote:
> > Amanda users,
> > 
> > The backup of this particular DLE is pretty much hit or miss,
> > it'll run great for a week and then fail for a week, I haven't
> > been able to disern a pattern nor reason.
> > 
> > The amanda server is old, 2.4.4 on a Solaris/Sparc system,
> > the newest client is a Solaris/x86 with a current version
> > 2.6.1 of amanda.
> > 
> > The client "sc1" backs up up fine, we backup the "ldom" logical
> > domain separately since it lives on a ZFS partition that is not
> > available to the underlying OS.
> > 
> > Because of the size of the dorldom1z1 partition, which is a
> > non-global zone running oracle, we back it up separately from
> > the other non-global zones, which run other, lighter apps.
> > 
> > The base system "sc1" backups up fine, the ldom and 3 of the 4
> > non-global zones backup without error, its just this one additional
> > non-global zone that has been problematic.
> > 
> > We are in process of upgrading the amanda server, but that will
> > come along with an upgrade of the box it sits on, a fire wall
> > we plan to replace.
> > 
> >                                             thank you,
> > 
> >                                             Brian
> > 
> > ----- Forwarded message from Amanda on Gat0 <> -----
> > 
> > These dumps were to tape MIMOSA15.
> > The next tape Amanda expects to use is: MIMOSA16.
> > 
> >   dorldom1   /export/zones/dorldom1z1 lev 0 FAILED [mesg read: Connection 
> > timed out]
> > 
> > 
> >                           Total       Full      Daily
> >                         --------   --------   --------
> > Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:03
> > Run Time (hrs:min)         2:13
> > Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
> > Output Size (meg)           0.0        0.0        0.0
> > Original Size (meg)         0.0        0.0        0.0
> > Avg Compressed Size (%)     --         --         -- 
> > Filesystems Dumped            0          0          0
> > Avg Dump Rate (k/s)         --         --         -- 
> > 
> > Tape Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
> > Tape Size (meg)             0.0        0.0        0.0
> > Tape Used (%)               0.0        0.0        0.0
> > Filesystems Taped             0          0          0
> > Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)     --         --         -- 
> > 
> >   Label          Time      Size      %    Nb
> >   MIMOSA15       0:00       0.0    0.0     0
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > /-- dorldom1   /export/zones/dorldom1z1 lev 0 FAILED [mesg read: Connection 
> > timed out]
> > sendbackup: start [dorldom1:/export/zones/dorldom1z1 level 0]
> > sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/sfw/bin/gtar
> > sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/gzip -dc |/usr/sfw/bin/gtar -xpGf - ...
> > sendbackup: info COMPRESS_SUFFIX=.gz
> > sendbackup: info end
> > ? /usr/sfw/bin/gtar: ./root/proc: file changed as we read it
> > \--------
> > 
> > 
> > NOTES:
> >   planner: Forcing full dump of dorldom1:/export/zones/dorldom1z1 as 
> > directed.
> >   driver: WARNING: /amanda/work: 57344000 KB requested, but only 57092025 
> > KB available.
> >   taper: tape MIMOSA15 kb 0 fm 0 [OK]
> > 
> > 
> >                                       DUMPER STATS                TAPER 
> > STATS 
> > KB/s
> > ------------------------ --------------------------------------- 
> > -------------
> > dorldom -es/dorldom1z1 0 FAILED 
> > ----------------------------------------------
> > 
> > (brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.4)
> > 
> > ----- End forwarded message -----
> > 
> You're probably on the edge of either the estimate or data timeout
> values (etimeout or dtimeout).  You could try increasing those
> values.  I'm not familiar with Solaris zones, but if ./root/proc
> is really the proc filesystem, you should exclude that from
> your backup as it can be quite a rabbit hole. Try  using an
> exclude file or exclude list to exclude ./root/proc and see if
> that speeds things up.
> -- 
> Frank Smith                            
> Sr. Systems Administrator                       Voice: 512-374-4673
> Hoover's Online                                   Fax: 512-374-4501
   Brian R Cuttler       
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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